Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Another commitment.... valid?

To seek and to find Him who cares for me and Him who protects me and He is the one I can spend my whole day with and still want/need more. I love you Lord. Thank you for how you love me. Unbelievable and unfathomable but true that you would create me and love me so. I stray, I forget, I am lazy, I sin so much.... I call on you to erase it all and YOU DO!! Praise be to God the Father, who is Who He is......... My helper, my companion, my guide, my protector, my encourager, my lover, and so much more. Praise you, Gracious Father. How I love you.

My Wonderful Grand children

It started with David.... scholarship to UTD with Air Force and then his Eagle award... awesome.... of course David's graduation and then Bekah's now a college graduate.
Then Bekah was pinned to be an R.N. ... all within a short week in May 2012. 
This grandmother tries not to walk in pride, but it is hard (:?)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Genesis 9/11/12

Beginnings...... in Genesis... God, the Son, ... creation. and then sin.