Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cleaning and more

My Oh MY ... I really need to clean house... actually clear it out. Got a note from Arc.. Now I call that perfect timing. Maybe a hint from my "superior" to clean house. I am such a pack rat. I just need to get rid of stuff.
Working on GNC so I don't have to later and also getting work together for the CYIA training on the 27th. It has occurred to
me that I can plan this and do it with prayer. HE always takes care of the day.
Thought there was a leak as my floor under the kitchen sink and the carpeting under the desk... wet. I am hoping it is all the
cause of a leak next door.He said he just fixed a leaky faucet. Poor man, needing work raising 2 teens and wife died 2 weeks ago of MS. (she had been in a nursing home for the last 5 years) So sad. They truly need the Lord and I am praying that God use me or who He will to tell them about HIM.
Well tomorrow the ladies are coming for prayer. I better finish straightening up.