Saturday, July 08, 2006


Let not earthly things disturb you, rather, remember Roman 12:1-2. God asks us to make ourself living sacrifices.
What more? Our minds, hearts and bodies should be in submission to His will.
My mind, not my emotions, have consistantly been saying that "how can anyone one deny HIM who is all goodness?"
The truth is God is, was and will be the only basis for the truth or goodness in this world. Where else?
How you can know God is to meditate on the good things. It is amazing to think of a crucifixtion as good, isn't it?
Yet God took something as bad as that and made it the most wonderful thing we humans can think of!
What an awesome God. He gives us opportunity to see HIS LOVE in completeness. The sacrifice is the ultimate
completeness of love. Stay from darkness, but look to HIS LIGHT.

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